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The Aweber Mastery Crash Course

First of all, thanks for picking up a copy of the Aweber Mastery Crash Course, you’ve made a wise decision.

Secondly, if you don’t have an Aweber account yet, then you can sign up for a Free Forever Plan Over Here.

And last but not least, grab a pen and paper and start taking notes during this crash course that will take you approximately 4 hours to complete.

Finding The Dashboard Button

Using The New Message Editor

Create A List And Opt-in Form

Create Email Templates And Broadcast Messages

Create Automated Email Campaigns

Create Customized Opt-in Forms

Create A Landing Page

Use Animated Gifs In Your Emails

Save Time By Copying Your Emails

Extra – Live Masterclass On Aweber Automations

Extra – How To Create A Lead Magnet Completely For Free

Checklists And Video Transcripts

Aweber Checklists
Aweber Transcripts

PS. All The Other Downloads Are Included On The Same Page

Bonus 1 Email Marketing Maestro

45 Minutes of hardcore KNOWLEDGE from internet marketing veteran Charles Harper where he explains some of the best strategies to optimize your email marketing campaigns.

Get A Personality

Get Delivered, Get A Place, Get Opened & Get Real

Structure And Strategies

How Often Do You Mail Your List

Bonus 2 DFY Lead Magnet + Email Sequence

List Profits Exposed

PS. All The Other Downloads Are Included On The Same Page

Bonus 3 Niche Marketing Email Series

Niche Marketing Series Ecover

PS. All The Other Downloads Are Included On The Same Page

Additional Tools & Resources

Hostinger  Reliable and cheap hosting/domain names
– Aweber  Free auto-responder up to 500 subscribers
Leadsleap  Multiple free marketing tools that you can use
Siterubix  Build your first WordPress website for free
Systeme  Start for free on this all-in-one marketing platform

Unannounced Bonus

Email Magic

To Your Success,