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Purchase Exile Profits And Claim All Your Extra Bonuses Below

 What’s This Awesome Product About?

Exile Profits Review - Bundle

Before we start, let’s get a few things out of the way.

First of all this product is listed as a new product by Philip Johanson but he only acts as the JV manager for this product. All the training is done by Max Gerstenmeyer and he actually does a pretty good job.

Secondly, the sales page tells you absolutely nothing and is a collection of over-hyped fluff and one-liners. Even if you scroll through the page for 1 hour you still wouldn’t have a clue what the actual product is about.

So let me tell you – Exile Profits is about setting up an Etsy store where you sell Print On Demand products.

Max will walk you through the whole process from product research, product creation, building your store, SEO optimizing your store, and so much more.

Max is actually a successful seller on Etsy so he knows what he’s talking about. He shows his income proof at the beginning of the course, so rest assured his training is based on facts and not rehashed theory.


Exile Profits – Price & Funnel

Exile Profits Review - Software Box

Get Exile Profits For Just $12.95

Upgrade 1 – Pro version ($37/$27)

You’ll get access to more advanced training and tactics to scale your income

Upgrade 2 – DFY Package ($97/$67)

You’ll get access to a huge bundle of DFY images to design your POD products

Upgrade 3 – Unlimited Traffic ($97/$47)

Put your Google pixel on the sellers sales pages so you can start retargetting campaigns

Upgrade 4 – Traffic Mastery ($67/$37)

Dan will teach you how to leverage YouTube, Instagram and Facebook to drive 10,000 visitors to any site within 24 hours

Upgrade 5 – Resell Rights ($97/$47)

Get 100% on the full funnel for Exile Profits

You’ll Get Instant Access To All The Extra Bonuses When You Purchase Exile Profits Through My Link

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All These Bonuses Are Highly Congruent And They Will Help You To Maximize Your Results


In this bonus you’ll get a more in-depth training on how to actually create your printable products. While Exile Profits is more about the know-how of this business, Printly is more of an over the shoulder training.

Ike Paz will walk you through the whole process from creating the actual product up to selling your product on the most popular market places.

18 Checklists KDP And POD

Get access to 18 Step-by-step checklists that guide you through proven Print On Demand & Kindle Publishing strategies that will  allow you to build a profitable online business in the shortest time possible!

If you run into a problem and need a quick fix then you’ll definitely find the solution in these checklists.
Free tools and resources to create visual content

Get access to an extensive list of free tools, services and resources to create your printables and all the visual content you’ll ever need to promote your products.

We’re talking about things such as images & vectors, quotes, design tools, game generators, product mock-ups, themed word lists, and more!

Exile Profits Review - Vendor Bonuses

All the bonuses from the vendor. These bonuses will be delivered in your members area of Exile Profits.

Looks Good, Huh! Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…

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