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My Exclusive Bonus Bundle For The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut

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Claim All The Extra Bonuses Below When You Purchase The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut From This Page Today…

The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Goes Live On The 8th Of May 2022 At 09.00 AM/EST

Here’s What You Will Get With The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut

The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Bundle

You know what really sucks? Creating funnels from scratch not knowing if they will convert…That’s what sucks! And don’t get me started about all the technical issues that you face every time you set up a new funnel.

It can take days, weeks or even months to come up with a half-decent funnel and you’re never sure if all that hard work will pay off. That’s an awful lot of time that you could have spend on other parts of you’re business.

But what if I told you there is ANOTHER WAY. What if everything was….ALREADY DONE!

Well, my good friend and marketing expert Adam Baetu made it easy. He’s done all the hard work so you don’t have to and created EVERY template & script you’ll ever need to generate leads & sales for your business!!

Simply fill in the blanks and you’re done! He called it The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut and this incredible bundle truly lives up to its name.

In this MASSIVE template pack you’ll get over 51 templates, scripts, emails sequences and much much more

And Adam is giving it all to you for a silly LOW Price

The Ultimate funnel Shortcut Templates Overview

The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut – Price & Funnel

The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut box

Get The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Today For A One Time Payment Of $4.60

Upgrade 1 – The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Agency/Commercial Licence $67

Upgrade 2 – Expert Growth Program 7-Day Trial $1 Afterwards $97/Month


That’s All Good…But…Who The Heck Is Adam Baetu And Why Should I Trust Him…Well, Don’t Take My Word For It But Here’s What Other People Say…

Ahem…And Before You Even Ask…Yes These Are All Real People

The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Testimonials
Useful Bonus Bundle

Get Instant Access To All The Extra Bonuses Below When You Purchase The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Through My Link


Email Marketing Essentials

Get access to my own and unique set of 3 guides all related to making insane profits with email marketing. You’ll discover how to build an email list from scratch without all the usual fluff and BS.

You also learn the most effective strategies to write killer emails that will result in more opens, clicks and sales. Plus I’ll show you 20 list segmentation techniques to make your list more targeted, which will lead to even better results.


Get access to my own and unique guides to start a network of profit-pulling niche blogs. You’ll discover all the fundamental basics that you need to know before starting your blog.

I’ll also reveal the most profitable blog post types. And I’ll show you how to write and structure them to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.

Plus, you’ll get my best strategies to drive massive amounts of visitors to your blogs.


WordPress Checklists

In these 18 detailed checklists we’ll go over all the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a WordPress website for your online business.

These checklists will guide you through every step of the process, from buying your domain name to making the first commissions from your newly build website.


The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut Vendor Bonus

These are all the extra bonuses from Adam Baetu and they will be delivered inside your members area of The Ultimate Funnel Shortcut

Looks Good, Huh! Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…

If you purchased through Warrior Plus…Log into your account, find your purchase and click on the bonus

Got questions in regards with this review or my bonuses then feel free to contact me on my website