WordPress Fast Track Banner


Domain Name And Hosting

C-Panel Installation

First Time Logging In

Your WordPress Profile

Settings Menu And General Writing

Settings Media, Reading And Discussions

Settings Permalinks

Media Tab

Creating Posts

Creating Pages

Install Themes

Install Plugins

Create Menus

Comments And Interaction

Paid Solutions

My Recommendations And Must Have Pages

Recommended Free Themes To Install:

  • Astra
  • Generatepress
  • Schema Lite

Must Have Pages:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Legal Disclaimers
  • Terms and Services

All these pages can be created online and they are free. Just do a Google search for Free Privacy Policy Generator, Free Legal Disclaimer Generator and Free Terms and Services Generator.

Provide all the required information, fill in the forms and when you’re done just hit the generate button. Once your page is generated you just need to copy and paste it into your website.

Not really a must have, but I do highly recommend that you also create an About Me page and a Contact Page.

Recommended Plugins To Install:

  • Wordfence (Firewall & Malware)
  • UpdraftPlus (Back up for your site)
  • Yoast SEO (Helps with SEO & Makes some tasks easier)
  • Akismet (Anti-spam)
  • W3 Total Cache (Site Speed)
  • Fast Velocity Minify (Site Speed)
  • Smush (Reduce image file size)
  • Broken Link Checker (Inactive links)
  • Social Media Widget (Social sharing buttons)
  • Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent (GDPR & Cookie Policy)
  • Pretty Links (Make your affiliate links ‘no follow’ and track your clicks)
  • Google Analytics By Monsterinsights (See how visitors find and use your website)


You need to verify your website in the Google Search Console. You’ll find all the detailed information over here.

How To Activate A Google Sitemap

Connect To Google Search Console With Yoast

Bing is a lot more flexible and faster when it comes to indexing new posts and pages, but it’s still a good idea to verify your website in Bing Webmaster. You can find all the details over here.